The right infrastructure strategy relies on the right skills, culture and engagement – here’s why

June 12th 2022

The right infrastructure strategy relies on the right skills, culture and engagement - here's why

Digital transformations don't always live up to expectations. McKinsey reported that just 30% of organisational transformations were deemed successful, and even those apparent success stories had only achieved two-thirds of their potential financial benefits

This highlights that there is more to digital transformation than the technology. While vital, it cannot stand alone. It's necessary to understand the importance of the people and processes behind the tech—because one of the keys to successful transformation is internal engagement. 

Transformations such as network automation have the potential to create significant efficiencies and reduce operational costs in Fintech, while managing the increasing volumes of data generated by business activities.

Transformation enthusiasm starts at the top

When there is genuine excitement about the possibilities and opportunities that digital transformation can deliver, starting right at the top of the organisation, this permeates through organisational culture and helps ensure goals are aligned and targets met.

Not only must the benefits be clear throughout the organisation, but the necessary training must also be delivered in good time before the new solution goes live, to ensure internal staff are confident they can provide continuity of service to customers and colleagues when the changeover takes place.

Are your digital skills up to scratch?

A recent survey revealed that in the UK, just two in five people at middle management level and above felt they were 'very prepared' with workplace digital skills. Which leads to the question, is it realistic to expect optimum performance from organisations if 60% of managers do not feel totally confident in their digital skills? 

Whether the C-suite are aware of the magnitude of this skills gap will partly come down to company culture and communication. Do employees feel sufficiently valued that they feel safe to discuss potential gaps in their skillset? 

How the issue is addressed will reflect the mindset at the top—and whether they are prepared to make the necessary investment in digital culture and skills training to support transformation and increase its likelihood of success.

Developing an infrastructure strategy that considers people throughout the organisation, from Directors and C-suite leaders to those who will use the technology, systems, and processes in their daily work, should help create a positive organisational culture.

Future-proof your business with the right infrastructure

For businesses focused on digital customer experiences, being on top of digital skills is particularly important, as emerging technologies, hybrid working, and increased customer expectations create additional challenges in the areas of security and compliance. While the pandemic accelerated digital transformation, now it's time to keep an eye on the future and develop composable infrastructure that provides the flexibility to respond to any future market changes quickly.

Working with an expert partner can help you make necessary changes swiftly and cost-effectively.

At BestPath, we have the expertise to guide you through an end-to-end solution, making sure you have the right skills and support when you need them. 

Flexible and efficient, we're just like the processes we help you to streamline.

Download your free copy of our eBook, Scaling your business: A three step guide to results-focused digital transformation, today. 

Hi. We’re BestPath. The unsung heroes, working quietly and competently behind the scenes to inspire and empower our Fintech clients. Combining curiosity with innovation we deliver agile, secure and trusted network infrastructures that enable Fintechs to deliver exceptional services and outstanding customer experiences. Let’s chat about how we can do just that, for you.